
Jennie Leigh

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I’m a blogger, content creator, and business strategy coach helping ambitious women just like you start their online business from scratch and grow it to six-figures and beyond.

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I’m going to be blunt about this straight out of the gate: 

You will never be wealthy, and will definitely never stay wealthy, if you don’t have a wealthy mindset.  

It’s why almost all lottery winners eventually end up right back where they started financially or worse. It’s why most people never leave the income bracket they were raised in.  

Being wealthy and successful requires a completely different type of thinking than what we are conditioned to have. In fact, almost everything you believe about how to create wealth and be successful is probably wrong.

For me, the moment I started working on my mindset is when everything began to change. I went from constantly struggling to pay the bills, worrying where my rent was going to come from every month, thinking the only way to make more money was to work more hours at jobs I hated, to finally making a great living doing something I absolutely love, spending my time the way I want, and never having to worry about how to I’m going to pay my bills. Beyond that, shifting my mindset directly led to being able to create an online business that brought in multiple six figures in my FIRST year, and consistently generates $30,000 or more every single month.  

Yes, it required business strategy and knowledge, but I never would have even had the motivation to seek out business ideas, the confidence to try them, and certainly not the ability to earn and keep large amounts of money that I had never had before, if I hadn’t worked on my mindset FIRST.

I decided to make a list of the top 7 mindset shifts that helped me go from broke to multiple six figures, based on the actual affirmations I used to help reprogram my mind for success. Save this post and come back to it often, and you’ll start to retrain your brain to think like a wealthy entrepreneur. Then, before you know it, you’ll become one!

Here they are, starting with the most important mindset shift:

Becoming wealthy and successful requires a wealthy and successful mindset.


What I want in life is possible.

It sounds so simple, but most people never get past this entry level mindset block. When they see someone else share their success on social media, their first thought is, “Well yeah, it worked for them, but it will never work for me,” or “She just got lucky. That could never happen to me.” Their brains come up with every possible excuse as to why, though it has worked for someone else, it couldn’t possibly work for them. And they just believe their brain with no question.

This is the first and most important shift you must make to be successful. Accept and believe that what you want in life is fully, completely, 100% possible for you. When you see someone else’s success, take it as PROOF that it can be done and that you can do it too.


Achieving what I want does not have to be a struggle. It can be exciting and fun!

What we see all over social media in the online entrepreneurship world is this #hustle culture vibe. Like to be successful, you have to slave over your business all night, all weekend, fail miserably multiple times, lose all your money, sleep in your car, and sell your blood plasma for grocery money before you finally get to the point where you’re making a real living in your business.  

This idea instills a huge fear of starting a business in a lot of people, blocking them from ever even trying. But this notion is absolutely not true and it does not have to be this way. Yes, this has been the story for some. But with just a little planning, positivity, and small consistent steps toward your goals, you can achieve everything you desire and still be able to support yourself and your family in the process.


I choose to focus on how to MAKE money.

If, like me, you were born into a lower or middle class household, you were probably taught to focus solely on saving - clipping coupons, spending as little as possible, working hard your whole life and putting tons of money in an IRA in hopes of being able to retire at 65, pinching pennies, believing only that “if you’re spending, you’re not saving.”

The wealthy, on the other hand, focus instead on how to MAKE money. How to generate more and more of it. How to invest what they have wisely. They seek opportunities to grow their money and add additional streams of income. Simply being willing to be open to new opportunities to make more money instead of spending all your energy trying to save it will open up so many doors for you and lead you to a path of wealth instead of frugality.

I know you’ve probably been taught that being frugal is virtuous. But I encourage you to challenge that belief. Because you know what’s even more virtuous? Being wealthy enough to give generously to the people you love and the people in need.  


Money is a renewable resource. Time is not.

If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent most of your life believing that if you spend money, it’s gone forever. So we make decisions on how to spend our money based on that belief, and think that spending money on something that could work for us is too much of a risk because the money will be gone forever if it doesn’t.

But the truth is this: there is always more money. There is so much money in circulation and so many ways to get it. Any money spent can always be earned again. But you know what isn’t renewable? TIME.

So we spend our time - therefore our lives - afraid to start something out of fear that the money we invest in it will never come back (even though it will), while simultaneously letting that fear keep is stuck in a life we don’t love, perpetually stealing our one, most precious, ACTUALLY nonrenewable resource, our time on this earth. 

Time spent NOT pursuing the life you desire out of fear of money not coming back is time spent NOT living the life of your dreams.


I CAN do this!

Even if I don’t know how to do something right now, I can and will learn. I am open to new ideas and opportunities. I know the knowledge I need is out there and I am willing and ready to find it. I know the right knowledge will come to me when I need it.


I am willing to invest in myself, my dreams, and the life I desire.

Our whole lives, we are conditioned to believe that the best investment in our career, finances, and future is.. an education. BUT ONLY a traditional one!! ONLY one where you spend $50,000+ of money you don’t have, that you have to pay back for at least the next decade of your life, spend 4 years taking course after course on subjects you will probably never use, and then HOPE to get a job that pays enough to live off of, and then once you do, hope your employer doesn’t let you go (though they could at any moment. Ask me, I know.) And we call this *SeCuRiTy*! Sounds like a scam to me.

But if we see a person who has become successful doing something we would love to do, and is offering something that will teach you how to do it, we automatically think THAT is the scam, definitely won’t work for us, will be a waste of money, and we don’t have the money to potentially “lose” on that anyway.

Then we go spend the cost of that course on one meal at Applebee’s. (Analogy inspired by actual messages and actions from a follower on IG)

Do you see the discrepancy here?

This is undoubtedly one of the most important mindset shifts that is critical to your success. When you start being willing to invest in yourself, you are saying to yourself and the universe that you believe in yourself, you believe you can have what you desire, and you believe it can work for you.  

And when you start believing something can happen for you, that’s when it finally does.

So, how do you start developing a wealthy mindset?

I started by simply reading the right books!

Click here to see my list of 9 books I read to quickly develop a wealthy mindset that took me from broke to multi six figures in less than a year!

xo jennie leigh


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