
Jennie Leigh

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I’m a blogger, content creator, and business strategy coach helping ambitious women just like you start their online business from scratch and grow it to six-figures and beyond.

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A question I get all the time is “how did you get started”? 

I went from completely broke after losing my job in the pandemic, living on government unemployment, to starting an online business and earning multiple six figures in my first year. Naturally, people always want to know how I did it.

The truth is, the way my whole journey started was quite simple: READING.

We tend to spend all of our free time engaging in mindless activities, scrolling social media, watching TV, numbing ourselves out in one way or another. We live our lives on autopilot, and when we do that, our lives end up staying in the exact same state they’ve always been.

But when you choose to spend at least some of your time learning and growing instead of numbing and scrolling, you open yourself up to whole new worlds of possibilities, ideas, and ways of living. That’s what these books did for me.

When I chose to simply read instead of scroll social media, my eyes were opened to how much better life could get, how simple it was to start a business and make money, and how to become the person I really wanted to be and create the life I really wanted to live.

Ideas started to flow, opportunities began to open, and now, here I am, a year later, living a life better than my wildest dreams.

So, here is my list of the top 9 books that completely changed my life and helped me go from broke and unemployed to starting an online business and earning multiple six figures in my first year!


by Jen Sincero

You Are A Badass is hands down the absolute best book on success mindset I have ever read. It completely changed the way I think about life, my dreams, and how to bring in money.  

YOU ARE A BADASS At making money

by Jen Sincero

Yet another super impactful book from Jen Sincero, this time focused fully on money mindset and wealth creation. This one is also a MUST!

secrets of the millionaire mind

by T. Harv Eker

A more traditional book on wealth mindset that completely changed the way I looked at how to generate money. The mindset of the rich and the mindset of the middle and lower class are completely different, and this book teaches how to adopt a rich mindset and use it to bring actual wealth into your life.

rich as f*ck

by Amanda Frances

As I’m sure you can gather from the title, there is quite a bit of language in this one. You’ve been warned lol. But the teachings in the book on money manifestation and the energetics of wealth are pure gold. To put it in perspective, this is the only book on this list that I have read 3 times. It’s worn down, torn up, with notes and highlighter marks all over it, and I will definitely be reading it over and over again for years to come.  

the secret

by Rhonda Byrne

This is an extremely well-known book, and chances are, you’ve heard of it already. It has become a classic and is one of the best resources on the foundational concepts of manifestation and the law of attraction. If those terms put you off and make you think it’s a bunch of woowoo nonsense, I get it. I believed that at first, too. But if you want to achieve something you’ve never had, I encourage you to be open to ideas you’ve never been open to before. If you stay in the same place mentally, you stay in the same place in life, too. Give this book and the principles in it a try.

the magic

by Rhonda Byrne

This book is the next step in getting started with practicing manifestation and the law of attraction. It is a devotional-style guide with daily practices to help you identify what you really want and start attracting those things into your life. I made my first sale ever in my first online business while working through this book!

the 4-hour workweek

by Tim Ferris

I’m sure you’ve heard of this one before, too, but have you actually read it? This book is what made me realize that getting a full-time job with good benefits and staying there until you can retire is not the only way. I attribute my entire awakening to the idea of entrepreneurship to this book. It’s an entrepreneurship classic and a must read!

the universe has your back

by Gabby Bernstein

Not a business or money book, but this book is absolutely essential for developing the inner spiritual state that allows you to be open to ideas and inspiration, trust that good things are coming and that your dreams are possible, and attract and KEEP infinite wealth. Your external condition (your life) is a direct reflection of your internal condition, and this book helps you tap into the infinite source of wisdom, inspiration, and confidence that allow you to become the person you need to be to create the life of your dreams.

reality unveiled

by Ziad Masri

Okay, this book is intense. I’ll be honest, you may not be ready for it. I wasn’t when I first tried to read it. I actually put it down and didn’t pick it back up for almost a year. But once I finally did, it turned my perception of life completely upside down. Once you are awakened to the true nature of reality, as this book will demonstrate, all fear and self-doubt can no longer stand. When you realize the truth of the universe, and therefore the truth of who you really are, everything that ever held you back starts to melt away. If you’re ready for an entire paradigm shift, read this book. It changed my life in the most profound way.

If you’re ready to start becoming a successful entrepreneur and start building the life you really desire, the first step is learning how to become the person you need to be to generate ideas, gain confidence, and attract and keep the levels of wealth you desire.

These are all learned skills, and they can be learned quickly by simply picking up the right books.


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