my story

Hey Lovely, I'm Jennie Leigh

I went from living off unemployment to earning multiple six-figures from my blog and online business in less than a year.

Now, I am blessed to make a living as a blogger, content creator, and business strategy coach, sharing the life changing lessons from my journey with you.

I started out right where you are..

I was working full-time in the corporate healthcare world, spending 40 hours a week of my life forcing myself to sit and do work I hated, constantly checking the clock to see if the day was over yet.

Until I got laid off in the midst of a global pandemic.

I had been spending 5 days a week just waiting for my 2 day weekend, working hard to line the pockets of a massive corporation, trading my life for a paycheck.  

And then when the most horrible historical event of our lifetime happened, I was let go like I didn’t matter, just to save the corporation a little money.

I already had big dreams of escaping the 9 to 5, spending my days doing something I love, traveling the world before retirement, and never having to “request PTO” to get a break again.

 I already felt there had to be more to life than what I was living.

But this fire was lit in me even more after a major life event that rocked my world forever..

AFter my life was turned upside down,

I took a massive leap of faith and moved to NYC.  It was there that I truly found myself, my strength, and my vision for the future.

let's rewind to

where it all began

In 2018, an earth-shattering experience altered the course of my life forever.

In October 2018, my hometown of Panama City, Florida was decimated by category 5 Hurricane Michael. My childhood home was completely destroyed.. while my parents and I were inside.
The storm lasted almost 4 hours, and there were moments, as the roof was peeling off over my head, that I had this inner knowing that there was a real possibility that my life was about to end.  

Being in that place was the most profound, life-altering moment I’ve ever had.

When you’ve literally faced death, everything else in life becomes a lot less scary. You come to realize that no matter what risks you take in pursuing the life you desire, nothing can really happen to you, because at the end of the day, you’re still alive.

But you don’t have to have a near death experience to have that awakening.

The truth remains for all of us:

Life is temporary. There is nothing that can happen to you that will destroy you, except death itself, and we all die anyway. So what do we really have to fear? Why not do what it takes to live the life you really want?

My first blog and IG niche was on non-diet Weight loss and intuitive eating

Though I eventually was successful with affiliate marketing and courses, my first launch was a complete flop and I didn’t make a single sale.  

With that fire lit within me, I started my first online blog and business.

I started blogging and posting on Instagram about something I was passionate about: intuitive eating and non-diet weight loss. My first launch, though, was a complete flop and I didn’t make a single sale.  

That’s when I decided to launch my next blog, Life Above Lack.

There, I talked about all things money mindset, personal finance, and generating income through online business.

Over time, with my previous blogs and this one, I developed very specific strategies for creating an online blog business and monetizing it from day one, and began to share it with others.

And that is how The Modern Blogging Method™ (formerly Blog Biz Bootcamp) was born!

And this happened right at the beginning of the pandemic, when I got laid off from my job. Now living off of unemployment, I was desperate to make my business work. I did more learning and tweaking and eventually saw a good bit of success in my first business through affiliate marketing and creating my own courses and workshops. 

But all the while, I knew what I really wanted to talk about was money.

xo jennie leigh

four years later

my business is still bringing in consistent $45,000+ months from affiliate marketing and my courses

And I am devoted to showing you how to replicate my strategies, build and monetize your blog business, and change your financial future forever.

Let's work together to build your dreams.

now here we are

a few more

fun little facts to know about me


this is my pomeranian, Luna


i'm a little obsessed with my cat, theodore


I'm an only child & very close to my parents


this is harsh - the love of my life, my biggest supporter, and my best friend

All about

little pleasures.  dreaming big.  aesthetic neutrals.  fresh pasta.  simplicity.  open minds.  leaps of faith.


hustle culture. playing small.  artificial plants (and artificial people).  olives.  knick knacks.  dogma.  living from fear.

you, too?  We'LL def be friends!

ready to quantum leap?

your success story starts here

Four years ago, I realized I had come to a major crossroads in my life, and that the decision I made at that point would be a defining moment, altering the course of my future forever. 

I could choose to stay the path I was on - one of familiarity and thus a perceived sense of comfort and safety, but with no possibility of ever achieving my dreams.  Or I could choose the lesser known road - but with it, the opportunity for all of wildest dreams to actually become true.

You know now where my story led.  What path will you choose for the next chapter of yours?


with me:

stay awhile + read


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Let's get to know each other!  I'm always here for questions!  DM me on Instagram @_jennieleigh or contact me here!

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