How to build a business when you don't have time


Jennie Leigh

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I’m a blogger, content creator, and business strategy coach helping ambitious women just like you start their online business from scratch and grow it to six-figures and beyond.

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One of the top things that is stopping people from building their business is feeling like they don’t have the time.  

This is a real roadblock, and one that keeps many from ever even starting. I’ve heard this so much and it’s something I’ve definitely experienced myself. I built my online business while working a full-time job and it was NOT easy! But I did it, like so many others, and I know you can do it, too.

I know there are tons of coaches out there who would say “you MAKE time for what’s really important to you!” Or my personal fave (eyeroll):

“say ‘it’s not a priority’ and see how that feels!!”


Like yeah, it feels like crap. Because it IS important to you and it IS a priority..

but so is every other freaking thing you’re responsible for in your life.

It feels like you have to choose between what you have to do to survive right now and what you need to do to build a better future.

So here’s my advice, based on what worked for me:

Start with shifting your mindset.  

Choose to believe that you CAN have both - stability right now AND progress toward a better future.

Choose to be open to the idea that you CAN find the time, even if you don’t know how. Just being open to these different perspectives opens you up for opportunities and ideas to come your way.

Next, let go of thinking about every single thing you have to do to start your business.

Doing this causes so much overwhelm and makes you think you need so much more time than you could ever have.

Instead, break it all down step by step and write it down. Yes, the list will be long, but you don’t have to do it all right this second. Stay calm lol.

Now, look it over again and see if there’s anything that’s not absolutely necessary to get things running. Cross it off. You can do it later.

Finally, decide what is *ONE* thing that will move the needle the most.

This is crucial.

Is there something that, once finished, will be the catalyst for everything else? That will make everything else flow so much more easily? Is there something you’re putting off because you’re not sure how to do it or just flat out don’t want to?

Now here comes the part I know you don’t want to hear, but facing harsh truths is the only way to move forward.

How much time do you have to devote to working on the one thing?

You’re probably thinking, “None! That’s the problem!” But take a step back and look at it objectively, with no judgement toward yourself.  

Look at your screen time on your phone. Especially time spent on social media.

Look at how many episodes of that show on Netflix you watched in the past week.  

For 99% of people, you can stop there. You’ve found your time lol.

But if not, let’s dig further.

How much time are you spending cooking, cleaning, getting groceries, etc? Is there a way you could consolidate or find quicker alternatives, even temporarily?

Check your PTO bank - could you take a few hours to knock out the most important things?

Would you be willing to sacrifice 30 mins of sleep in the morning or at night to put in some work for a while?

Now that you’ve found your time, actually schedule it.

It doesn’t have to be the same time every day. It doesn’t even have to be every day.

Put it in your calendar, set an alarm. Make it a non-negotiable devotion to yourself, your family, and your dreams.

Even if it’s only 15 mins a day, it’s still progress, and that’s all you need.

And finally, one more mindset shift that I’ve noticed is holding a lot of people up:

Let go of the desperate energy.

Like you have to do it all right now and “make it work” right now or your whole life is going to fall apart. Like you have to be successful super fast or it’s not worth doing.  

You’re alive, aren’t you? You’ve made it this far, haven’t you?

You have a roof over your head and food on the table. You’re okay. You have been so far and always will be.

You are divinely supported, especially when you are showing faith by pursuing your dreams.

So let go of the timelines.

If you only have a few mins a day and so it takes longer than you’d like, so what? The time passes anyway, so where do you want to be in your life when it does? In the same place or living out your dream?

Identify your ONE thing. Devote whatever time you can. Focus only on the task right in front of you. Repeat.

That is how you build a business. That is how you make your dreams come true.

One step, one day, one decision, one moment at a time.

You can do this!!

xo jennie leigh


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