how to decide what kind of business to start


Jennie Leigh

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The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Your Niche

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I’m a blogger, content creator, and business strategy coach helping ambitious women just like you start their online business from scratch and grow it to six-figures and beyond.

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This is a question I always get, and one I grappled with for a long time before starting my business, and even after.  

I changed my "niche" multiple times, and still consider going in different directions even now.

If you're like me, you have many different interests and aren't sure which direction to go with starting a business.  Or you might feel like you don't have any skill or expertise that you could turn into a business at all.

When deciding what kind of business to start, you have to look at it from two different viewpoints:


INTERNALLY, you have to decide what you want.  What you enjoy, what you want to be doing, and what you want your lifestyle to be like as a business owner.

EXTERNALLY, you have to consider what products and services the world needs and wants to buy.

Finding the sweet spot between the two is how you decide the perfect business for you.

Let's dive deeper:

How to Decide the INTERNAL


Make a list of every possible type of business you can think of doing.

Don't eliminate anything you don't yet have the skills for - skills can always be learned!

Anything you've seen other people doing on social media, the internet in general, or in real life that you find interesting - write it down.

2. work backwards

Decide what you want your life to look like as a business owner.

  • Where do you want to work? 
  • How many hours a week do you want to put in? 
  • Do you want to be visible and active on social media?
  • Do you want to work 1:1 directly with clients?
  • Do you want to be working alone or frequently working/communicating with others?
  • What, in general, do you want to be doing every day?

If you're struggling to answer these, try it the opposite way instead:

What things DON'T you want to be doing?

Identify the opposite of what you DON'T want, and write that on your brain dump list.

3. narrow it down

Cross everything off your list that doesn't fit with your answers from #2.  If it won't give you the lifestyle you desire, it's not for you.

4. What lights you up

Now, go through each option on your narrowed down list one by one and imagine yourself having that business.  

Imagine what each day will look like from start to finish - what you'd be doing, who you'd be working with, what challenges you'd face, all of it.  Really feel what it would feel like to be doing it.

If it feels kinda meh, cross it off. 

If it feels exciting, expansive, and fun, put a star beside it!  This is a good indicator of the right path for you -  

- even if you aren't 100% sure how to make it work or whether you have the skills/expertise to do it.  You can always research, learn, figure it out, and improve as you go.

5. What you are already good at

What skills and talents do you already have?

For example:

Are you already a really good writer, photographer, or graphic designer?  Do you already know a lot about nutrition, homeschooling, or astrology?

Is there something you're already passionate about?

Star anything on your list that could utilize any skills or passions you already have.  Identifying anything you already have to offer makes the process a little easier, but please remember -

Skills can always be learned, and you will find things you are good at and passionate about as you explore your options.  So if you feel like you don't have anything to add with this step, don't be discouraged!

This just gives you a blank slate to explore, discover, and create whatever you want in life moving forward!

How to Identify the EXTERNAL

This is less important than the internal, because doing what lights you up internally will always lead you to your aligned path.

And, it's not always helpful to consider what the world needs or wants, because how would they know they need it or want what you have to offer if it doesn't exist yet?

As Henry Ford said about his automobile, "If I had asked them what they wanted, they would have said a faster horse!"

But, of course, doing something that has already been done - and therefore already been proven to work - is easier than trying to make something work that has never been done before.

And giving people something they already need or want is easier because you already have a target market and audience.

So, here's how to find business ideas for things people already need or want:

1. what are people talking about on social media

Notice what kind of posts you're seeing a lot on social media.

What topics are people talking about?
What topics are influencers and content creators - who are making money by selling products or services - talking about?

If there are already people talking about it, then you know there are people who will buy something you have to offer in that niche.

2. what are other people doing that is working

What online courses, group programs, products, or services have you seen others promoting?

Especially notice paid ads on social media - click through and see what they are offering.  If they are continually paying for ads, they are likely making money.  So you know it works, and you could do something similar.

3. what have you bought recently

What online courses, group programs, products, or services have YOU personally invested in?

If YOU need or want it, then others do, too.  So you know that sort of thing will work as an offer to create through your business.

4. What do people desire the most, and what stops them from having it

Think about what kind of person you'd most like to help, and define what they want most in life.

Is it health?  Money?  Freedom?

Then, think about what gets in their way of having it. 

That is the problem they want to solve, and you can offer them something to solve it.  That's the most effective way to create a business!

The Most Critical Step

Since you've successfully organized your thoughts and considered your options, now comes the most critical part - the part that keeps most people from ever getting started.

If you can move past this step, you can absolutely be successful in business.

The critical step is this:


Yes, I'm serious.  Most people can't seem to do this and just spin their wheels for years and never actually start.

Being successful requires being able to make decisions for yourself.  And this is the first, most important one.


Commit to it.  Research it.  Learn about it.  Try it.  See what works and what doesn't.  Adjust your strategy and try again.

And if it doesn't work or you don't like it, pick something else.

You're not stuck with it forever.  You can pivot and evolve as you go.

But at the end of the day, how you decide what kind of business to start comes down to one simple thing:


Rest in knowing this, too:

There is no right or wrong choice.  You can't mess this up. 

It's just a choice, and whatever choice you make will take you down the path you're meant to take.. learn what you need to learn become the person you're meant to be.

It's all just a journey, an adventure, a lesson.  Simply pick a path and go!

You got this!

xo jennie leigh


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